Nina Katungi profile image Nina Katungi

Anatomy of a human being

A close-up picture of a person's back.

Look at me
What do you see?

Not at the surface
Look inside

My beating heart
Does it not beat like yours?

The blood running through my veins
Is it not red like yours?

You are so afraid
But of what
I do not know

Is it the colour of my skin?
Because it is different than yours

Is it the language I speak?
Because you don’t understand

How these things offend you so
Brings me utter sadness

I do not mind the colour of your skin
Nor the different language you speak

Wait, I don’t even know you!
Nor do you me

You must first educate
Yourself before
Point the finger

How dare you
Tell lies!
Spread hate!
Inflict pain!

This home is ours
It belongs to all of us

Being kind
To one another

Love everybody
Love everything

How is that so hard?

Without all the colours in the world
There would be no rainbows

With only one sound
Music and song would not exist

Your heart does not beat like oursBecause you have no heart

The blood does not run through your veins
Because you are not like us

A human being
How can you be?

Nina Katungi profile image Nina Katungi
Nina explores the complexities of human emotion through her personal experiences with love, loss and life. She writes to understand herself and she writes to understand others.