Marilyn Garson

Aotearoa New Zealand


Marilyn holds degrees in politics and philosophy, with a masters in international development. Marilyn immigrated to New Zealand’s Far North in the 1980s and launched her own weaving design label. Later, she worked most of 18 years with excluded communities affected by war, co-designing and launching locally owned social enterprises to create jobs for Cambodian former child combatants and people with disabilities, Afghan women and Gazan university graduates in Palestine. She came home from the wars in 2015, determined to write in ways that place human lives and human rights at the centre of our understanding. Marilyn is the author of Still Lives—A Memoir Of Gaza, and a co-founder of Alternative Jewish Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand. Previously, Marilyn was the managing editor of The Lovepost and led the human rights edition. She now contributes as a writer for the publication.

Life is what you do about what you notice. At The Lovepost, Marilyn hopes to bring more life-affirming ideas to more notice.

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