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The trail of tears: how one dissociative woman left a bunch of baffled partners in her wake

The trail of tears: how one dissociative woman left a bunch of baffled partners in her wake

Note: This piece is fictional and is part of our satire section, A Reflective Laugh. Many of our pieces are inspired by real-life experiences and ideas submitted by our community, using satire to explore social and environmental issues. Through humour and wit, we aim to provoke thought, spark conversation and bring awareness to the complexities of the world around us.

Marla, a woman who has inadvertently mastered the art of emotional detachment, has the uncanny ability to float in and out of relationships like a ghost, leaving behind a trail of confused, heartbroken people asking, "What just happened?"

Marla’s journey began with a unique talent: dissociation. While others might call it zoning out or daydreaming, Marla perfected the craft to a point where her physical presence remained, but her mind was often in another dimension.

“I don’t know what it was,” says Jessica, one of Marla’s former flames. “One minute, we were planning a vacation together, and the next, she was staring blankly at the wall, completely checked out. Then she just… disappeared.”

Jessica isn’t alone in their bewilderment. Marla’s list of exes reads like a who’s who of the emotionally confused. Each person, initially captivated by her mysterious aura, eventually found themselves alone and scratching their head, trying to figure out where things went wrong.

The pattern of dissociation

Marla’s dissociative tendencies meant that she could appear deeply engaged one moment and utterly absent the next. This pattern left her partners feeling like they were dating a mirage. “She’d be so present and caring,” recalls Jake, another ex. “But then she’d have these moments where it felt like she was a million miles away. I never knew which Marla I was going to get.”

Psychologists explain that dissociation is a coping mechanism, often developed in response to trauma. It allows individuals to detach from their surroundings and emotions as a form of self-protection. For Marla, this detachment became a default mode, especially in relationships.

The wake of emotional wreckage

“I thought I was losing my mind,” says Carter, who dated Marla for nearly a year. “She’d agree to plans and then completely forget about them. She’d say she loved me, but then act like I was a stranger. It was like living in a constant state of confusion.”

Marla’s dissociation wasn’t just hard on her partners—it also took a toll on her. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone,” she admits. “I just have a hard time staying connected. It’s like there’s a part of me that’s always on the run, always looking for an escape.”

After leaving a trail of emotionally wrecked people in her wake, Marla decided it was time to seek help. She began therapy to address her dissociative tendencies and understand the underlying causes. “I’m learning to stay present,” she says. “It’s a work in progress, but I’m committed to making it better.”

Marla’s exes, meanwhile, have formed an unofficial support group, bonding over their shared experiences. “It’s like being in a club,” Jessica jokes. “The ‘What Happened with Marla?’ club. At least we’re not alone in our confusion.”

As Marla works on healing and staying grounded, she hopes to one day have a relationship where both she and her partner are fully present. “I want to connect more deeply without the fear of drifting away,” she says. “It’s a journey, but I’m hopeful.”

Mental health issues can impact relationships in ways that many don't understand. While Marla's dissociation led to a string of broken hearts, it also highlights the importance of understanding and addressing mental health for the sake of oneself and others.


Kia ora, yá'át'ééh, hola, tânisi, namaste, marhaban, nǐ hǎo, olá, zdravstvuyte, konnichiwa, sat sri akal!

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